School Struggle Checklist

Having trouble untangling the typical kid-stuff school challenges from the
be concerned and get involved ones? 

Let’s sort that out! Get the FREE School Struggle Checklist and ask yourself 5 key questions - and to get you movin’, there’s one simple, straight-forward step you can take to help right now.

Sound like you?

Don’t know what to do about your child’s school challenges so you pretend it’s not happening

Feel so out of your depth that you wish a genie could appear and make everything better

Can’t decide if you should pay attention or go back to bed

Wish you had a crystal ball to see what’s really happening ‘cause your kid’s a mystery

The School Struggle Checklist is for you!

Take the guesswork out of deciphering pay-attention-now from no big deal.
Use the free school struggle checklist to help you pin down whether you need to be payin’ attention pronto and how you can get started ASAP.


“I wish I would have had a checklist like this to validate what my gut was telling me - all the little things were actually connected, worth paying attention and worth investigating. This is a checklist to help connect the dots, to reframe parenting, and begin to advocate effectively.”

Katy V in Washington