Practical Parenting Tips for School Success
Welcome to the Reframe Parenting Blog—your go-to resource for school success strategies, practical parenting insights, and expert tips on supporting your child’s education. Whether your student is facing learning challenges or you need help navigating school systems, you’re in the right place.
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Helping parents support their child’s learning journey.
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Why can’t teens follow through? It may be because of their brains
Wondering why your teen can’t follow through or seems overly emotional?
The key might be the teenage brain!
Their growing and developing brains can tell us a lot about what’s happening with our teens.
What in the world is Executive Function anyway?
We hear this Executive Function phrase all the time, but what exactly is it anyway?
Guest blogger Carrie Bonnet, an Executive Function Coach, gives us a great overview for parents. Her mantra = Blame the brain, not the child.
5 reasons your child may be learning & growing at their own pace
Almost as soon as they arrive, our kid is being compared to others - are they eating enough, growing enough, hitting all the milestones at exactly the right time?
What have I come to embrace that made the biggest difference?
Every child learns and grows at their own pace.
Why is Flexible Thinking so important for kids (and grownups too)?
For some kids, small speed bumps in daily routines or expectations can send them spinning. It’s a lack of flexible thinking. Do you have a kiddo in your house that struggles with this too?
Why does my child lie? 6 strategies to deal with lying.
It stinks when your child lies. Your reaction to it, thought, doesn’t have to be defcon level yelling and frustration. 6 strategies to deal with lying.
What do you do when your kid forgets their homework?
Does every left-behind piece of homework or lunchbox have to be a lesson on responsibility? I don’t think so. Let’s Reframe it as support and scaffolding.
What you don’t know about your disorganized child. What is Executive Functioning anyhow?
Is your child disorganized and you don’t know why? It may not be what you think. What is executive function anyhow? It might be the heart of the problem.
Are you more Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, or Sophia?
Every parent has a unique way of navigating school challenges—just like the Golden Girls have their own signature styles! Take this fun, insightful quiz to discover your school support personality and get tailored tips to help your child thrive.
“I love how simple this is. This is a first step that isn’t overwhelming to an already overwhelmed mom!” - Erica W, Washington