Practical Parenting Tips for School Success

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Helping parents support their child’s learning journey.

Confident teens achieving school success through supportive parenting strategies

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Parenting, Tools, School Scotti Weintraub Parenting, Tools, School Scotti Weintraub

Why Is Handwriting Important & 10+ Red Flags

Does your child’s school still teach handwriting? And I don’t mean just spend a month or two on it. I mean actively include handwriting in the everyday curriculum. Hopefully yes, but likely not as much as they should.

Handwriting is a KEY component of literacy. Some argue just as important as reading. Read about why it’s so important and the red flags you can watch for.

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Parenting, Education Scotti Weintraub Parenting, Education Scotti Weintraub

Why do kids who struggle at school need chances to shine?

All kids want to feel successful, don’t they?! Having a hard time at school - whether it’s academically, socially, or behaviorally - is exhausting for kids. Who wants to spend all of their time feeling like they aren’t good enough, haven’t tried hard enough, or need to do things differently? It’s draining and demoralizing.

So what’s a parent to do? I’ve got 4 great, simple ideas to help your child feel successful outside of school.

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Parenting Scotti Weintraub Parenting Scotti Weintraub

Struggle to Success: Creating A Roadmap for College Admissions Prep

Preparing for college admissions can feel daunting under the best of circumstances. But if you have a child who’s struggled in high school — whether that’s academically, socially, or emotionally — it can sometimes feel downright insurmountable.

With the right blueprint and a balanced approach to helping your child plan their future, you can turn struggles into strengths and help your student chart a successful path toward college.

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Are you more Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, or Sophia?

Every parent has a unique way of navigating school challenges—just like the Golden Girls have their own signature styles! Take this fun, insightful quiz to discover your school support personality and get tailored tips to help your child thrive.

“I love how simple this is. This is a first step that isn’t overwhelming to an already overwhelmed mom!” - Erica W, Washington